20 Things To Do With Kids At Home

Its Spring Break and your quarrantined at home. What in the world are you going to do all day with your kiddos? As a homeschool momma who is use to being home; I want to help you out. So I have a list of our favorite 20 things to do with kids at home.
1. Read Together
Whether you are reading to your child or having your child read to you. Snuggle up on the couch and enjoy a book together. Even listening to an audbile book is sure to be a good time. Bust out the crayons and color while you listen! Need some book suggestions? Check out these here.
2. Bake Together
Baking is always a great bonding time. Though yes, you do have to let go of the need to be clean! {It can always be done later!} My kid loves getting to help me bake cookies, brownies, and pie. Take this opportunity to try something new or stick to the classics like these amazing cookies!
3. Paint Together
My kiddo loves to paint. Give her some plaster projects, a white canvas, or just a basic piece of paper and she is over the moon excited. You can pick up some great painting pieces on amazon like these. Or maybe follow some online tutorials like this or this!
4. Tea Party
One thing we love to do at our house is have tea parties. We love getting dressed up and serving each other delicious new teas and yummy snacks. We often have fruit, mini sandwiches, and a sweet treat with our tea. Such a fun and easy thing to do together or for your kids.
5. Play-Doh
Whether you make it yourself for added fun, or just play with the pre-made dough, it’s sure to bring out the kid in everyone. Use these templates for added education and fun with your playdoh adventures.
6. Board Games
Who doesn’t love a good board game? Whether your kid is 2 or 20, there is always a fun game to be played. Here are a few of our favorites over the years.
7. Card Games
It’s always a good idea to have card games on hand. From basic deck of card games to intricate game play here are a few of our favorites.
8. Nerf Guns
WAR!!! Take your day of cabin fever to a new level and declare war between kids and adults. Pass out the nerf guns, or better yet just ambush the kiddos! Haha!
9. Hike/Walk
Exploring your neighborhood, or your local park. This is one way to enjoy the fresh air and still practice social distancing. Go on a nature scavenger hunt. Use these for your lists!
10. Hide N Seek
You can’t beat classic games such as Hide N’ Seek or Ring Around the Rosies. However, you can elevate these games for older kids and bigger families. Sardines is one of our absolute favorite versionso f hide n seek, however the more the merrier! Also fun playground games like Tag, Four Square, Hopscotch, and Marco Polo are great games to play with your kids. Dodgeball should probably be avoided when you’ve been locked up with stir crazy kiddos. HAHA
11. Crafts
Somewhere in your house you are sure to have amazing craft supplies. Take a box and turn it into a car. Make jewelry with old broken pieces or beads. Turn a sock into a puppet. If you want a complete project then these are some great ready to craft projects.
12. Video Games
Whether you are a firm believer in limiting screen time or not, this a great time to play Minecraft with your kiddo and really understand their fascination. Or if you just can’t handle the graphics {I totally relate!} then battle it out over some Mario Kart! Here are a few of our favorite multi-player nintendo games.
13. Movies/TV Binging
We are a movie loving family here. But we also try and limit what our kid is exposed to. Want some family-friendly movie ideas? We love adventure movies and really enjoy alot of the ones on this list.
14. Makeup party
Yes, a makeup party is always a fun and hilarious time. Take this time to teach your daughters how to apply makeup and then let them go to town on your face! Be sure to take photos! Have sons? Let them do your makeup too, and maybe give them a mustache or camo for dress-up playing!
15. Exercise
This can be as fun as you make it. Don’t stress over the kids being perfect, just take the time to stretch with them. Maybe turn on a workout dance video to learn or follow along with some yoga instructions. So many available free workouts on YouTube.
16. Spa Day
Mani/Pedi time! Take this from simple with just painting your nails to elaborate with an at home spa day. However much time and/or energy you put in to this, its sure to bring about fond memories together.
17. Cook Dinner Together
Don’t stop at just baking cookies or cake. Invite your kiddos to help you with dinner. Give them simple tasks to do or have them create your whole meal. Use this time to teach lifelong skills! Check out some of my lazy cooking recipes here!
18. Experiments
At home experiments are a fun way to stay engaged in learning while having some fun. Here is a great list of DIY experiments.
19. Create a Fort
One of my favorite things to do as a kid, especially when I was sick was to create a fort with blankets and chairs in the living room! Fix it up with pillows and blankets, snacks and movies. Sure to be the highlight of any day!
20. Play Charades or Simon Says
Need a list of ideas for charades? This game is a fun one. Or maybe try this list.
Online Virtual Experiences
OKC Zoo has virtual engagement here.
Educational learning with Scholastic.
Adventure Academy free month trial.
Educational Resource List.
Skill Share {2 month free trial}.
And of course YouTube is a great resource for learning a new skill!
My hope is that this list of 20 things to do with your kids at home will spark bonding and fun in your quarantine time. This is such a crazy time in our lives, and like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Take advantage of this time that we get to really focus on your family. Enjoy the small things. Enjoy the time. Get outdoors and ride bikes, have a campfire, and really just talk. Our biggest life lessons don’t have to be in a textbook. Teach each other love, compassion, and kindness.
I pray that you and yours are safe and healthy. I pray that the world gets through this virus quickly. Also, I pray that you are not only in good health physically, but also financially. This uncertain time is going to be hard on many, especially small business owners and I just pray that everyone can get through this unscathed.
Practice social distancing but also think of your neighbors and what they may need and how can you help each other?
Marie York
What fun ideas!!!! We used some of these already!!!