Agatha Christie and Tomb Raider have nothing on me…
Years of puzzles and adventure games have finally paid off! How you ask? Escape Rooms.
My First Bloggers Conference
I went to my first bloggers conference and it was a complete success! {Launch Bloggers 2020} It wasn't just all the amazing information that I learned; but above all the sense of community and friendships that were made.
The Best Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
What better way to show your special someone that you love them then with homemade cookies?! This recipe has been the best gluten free chocolate chip cookies we have ever made!
Girl…Clean Your Brushes!!!
Automatic Brush Cleaner Ladies….do you clean your makeup brushes? How often are you cleaning them? Did you know that dermatologists recommend cleaning your brushes every 7-10 days!? Yikes! I’m gonna be completely honest with you…I dont clean mine near as much as I am supposed to. But to be fair…I dont use alot of makeup and rarely do I use any liquid makeup. (They recommend twice a month for less used brushes)…But yes, I know that I should still clean them more often. Well, after finding this magic baby, Im all on board to do weekly cleanings! For this testing, I just used some dawn dish soap to clean my…