20 Things To Do With Kids At Home
Its Spring Break and your quarrantined at home. What in the world are you going to do all day with your kiddos? As a homeschool momma who is use to being home; I want to help you out. So I have a list of our favorite 20 things to do with kids at home.
Winter Bronzing In A Bottle Part 2
The best tanning lotion. Tan in a can. Bronze in a bottle. Fake Bake. It doesn't matter what you call it. This stuff can be your best friend. Gone are the days of tanning beds being the go-to choice. Spray tans are what most people are turning to. However, not everyone can spend $20-$40 weekly, or are comfortable stripping down for the tan.
The Perfect St. Patty’s Day Outfit
St. Patty's day is right around the corner and those naughty leprechauns better keep their hands to themselves....thats the Hubs job! ;) So I've got the perfect St. Patty's Day ouftit to keep them at bay.
Spring Break in OKC
Spring Break is right around the corner in just a couple of weeks. Are you looking for some fun activities to do with your kiddos? Ive compiled a list of some fun and unique places around OKC to take the kiddos. Some that you may not have thought of.
Agatha Christie and Tomb Raider have nothing on me…
Years of puzzles and adventure games have finally paid off! How you ask? Escape Rooms.
My First Bloggers Conference
I went to my first bloggers conference and it was a complete success! {Launch Bloggers 2020} It wasn't just all the amazing information that I learned; but above all the sense of community and friendships that were made.
The Best Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
What better way to show your special someone that you love them then with homemade cookies?! This recipe has been the best gluten free chocolate chip cookies we have ever made!
Girl…Clean Your Brushes!!!
Automatic Brush Cleaner Ladies….do you clean your makeup brushes? How often are you cleaning them? Did you know that dermatologists recommend cleaning your brushes every 7-10 days!? Yikes! I’m gonna be completely honest with you…I dont clean mine near as much as I am supposed to. But to be fair…I dont use alot of makeup and rarely do I use any liquid makeup. (They recommend twice a month for less used brushes)…But yes, I know that I should still clean them more often. Well, after finding this magic baby, Im all on board to do weekly cleanings! For this testing, I just used some dawn dish soap to clean my…
Brunch with a purpose… Y’all, I’ve been eating at Syrup for a couple of years now, and wanted to share it with you because it is just so yummy. Then on my last visit I learned it is so much more than just their super delicious food! Their motto is ‘Eat Well x Do Good”. Their vision is that you have a delicious breakfast and have local and global impact. They do this by putting a percantage of their sales to local groups such as the Center for Children and Families in Norman, the Dragonfly Home in OKC, and in Cape Town, South Africa helping with sustainability. Not only is their mission…
Winter Bronzing In A Bottle
Lets talk tanning lotions! I, like most of you lovely ladies, love a good tan. Especially during the winter when I tend to look like a ghost. So Im on a mission to test out some tanning products and give you a heads up on what the best ones might be. This will be a two part series, where I do some lotions now, and then review a couple others in a later post.  But for now here is the basics: When applying tanning lotion of any kind, I highly recommend using this mitt and this sling mitt for your back. Always start with a clean exfolliated base for best…