Food,  Recipes

Chicken and Broccoli Mac n’ Cheese

gluten free chicken and broccoli mac n cheese

I decided to try something new.  I am not big on veggies and so I have been trying to sneak them in wherever I can for myself.  It doesnt really work the same though, does it?! Haha

Well I stumbled across this recipe from Beachbody and decided to tweak it to the ingredients I had on hand and give it a go.  The main difference in the recipe was that I didnt have any almond milk, so I used organic whole milk instead.

Outcome?  I actually didnt hate it.  I actually quite enjoyed it.  Cheese makes everything better though, doesnt it?!

chicken and broccoli mac n cheese

To get started, cook your macaroni of choice according to directions and set aside.  We eat gluten free as much as possible, so we used a gluten free elbow noodle.  Barilla GF Noodles taste great and we dont notice any weird textures because it of being gluten free.  

While the macaroni is cooking, cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and start cooking in a pan with a little bit of garlic olive oil, this one is great,  to enhance flavors until cooked through.

cheesey sauce dinner recipes

Now for the cheese sauce!  {aka the best part}

In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat.  

Add flour and stir; whisking continuously for 1 min.  {We love this GF flour, called Cup4Cup.  It has to be the most smooth transitional GF flour that we have ever used.  Its namesake is true, you can substitute cup for cup easily without recipes changing!  Its been a lifesaver!

Slowly add in milk; whisking for 2 minutes, until mixture thickens.

Reduce heat; and mix in cheese.  Again whisking for 2-3 minutes until melted and combined.

Add chicken, broccoli and then cheese into your pot of noodles, stirring to combine.  

Serve and enjoy the smiles on your families faces as they enjoy traditional comfort food; knowing that you did a great job by adding a veggie into their meal! 


mac n cheese from beachbody
chicken and broccoli mac n cheese

Chicken and Broccoli Mac N’ Cheese
 —-Adventures In Mascara—

  • 8 oz macaroni noodles
  • 8 tsp butter
  • 4 Tbsp gf flour
  • 3 Cups Milk
  • 2 1/2 Cups extra sharp cheddar
  • 1 lb Chicken breast
  • 12 oz steamed broccoli
  • salt & pepper to taste
Start by boiling noodles, according to directions.  Set aside.
Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and toss in a pan with a little olive oil to cook through.  Set aside.

Start your sauce by melting butter in saucepan over medium heat.  Once melted, add in flour and whisk constatnly for 1 minute. 
Slowly whisk in milk, stirring for 2 minutes until thickened. 
Reduce heat to low, and add in cheese, stirring until melted and combined. Remove from heat. 
Add chicken, broccoli, and cheese sauce in to the pot of macaroni and stir.  

Serve immediately.

Find more of my favorite recipes here.

Hi! My name is Jaclyn. I'm a 35+ year old stay-at-home-mom who loves to shop, try new things, be the first to know about something great, and share all my adventures with my friends. Obsessed with cheeseburgers, vodka and coffee. Sharing all my adventures in Oklahoma and beyond!

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