Cross Bar Offroad Adventures
Cross Bar Offroad Park located in Davis, OK is a 6500 acre property with over 200 miles of trails to explore. Take any off-road vehicle that you want and enjoy some fun off road adventures. A Jeep, your truck, or any ATV/UTV.
Just an hour drive from OKC, south on I35; it makes for a quick trip to make for a great day activity. However, they do also have camping via RV or Tent. Check here for more info on camping.
Daily Pass is $20 per adult, $10 per child (10-15) and free for kids aged 0-9. While office hours are typical 9-5, the park is open 24/7 and you can purchase your tickets for daily play online here.

Our Cross Bar Adventure
For our visit here we decided to just drive down for the day to play. We left after a quick lunch and headed down to Davis. We purchased our tickets online and then just did a quick check-in at the front gate to get our wrist bands and then set off on unloading our Polaris Ranger side-by-side to start the fun.
To start we went and checked out the campgrounds and headed out on the trails from there. We really had no idea where we were majority of the time and had a hard time following the map. There are a lot of trails that arent even on the map. We went on every trail we felt brave enough to take on. Okay, so the hubby would have braved all of them if we would have let him. Ha
The trails ranged from tame to extreme, some going straight up and some being a wall of rocks! This was quite the feat to watch others achieve. While I had a hard time watching because I was so worried people wouldnt make it…I also had a hard time not being amazed at their attempts. While on the trails we drove on narrow trails and crossed multiple creeks. With all the rains we had some water levels that were deep enough it went over our feet while crossing.
There were some spots where the kid and I got out because we were just a bit too nervous of how angled and unknown the trail was. haha All in all, we had a great time and cant wait to go back again. So if you are looking for a fun day of riding, you will want to check this place out.
For more of our everyday life, check here. Follow me on Instagram for more fun!